A resting practice for relaxed shoulders and effortless breath

When I started practising Yoga, my shoulders were very tight and rounded forward from sitting for years with a musical instrument. The Pranayama Fold pose is the practice that helped me to release that tension and regain good posture.

This resting position is one of my favourite ways to encourage effortless diaphragmatic breathing. It also deeply releases tightness at the front of the shoulders, often a source of rounded posture and upper back, shoulder & neck pain.

The Pranayama Fold works beautifully with my 12 minute Belly Breath Meditation, which not only can help you regain full healthy diaphragmatic breathing but when practised mindfully, with full attention, will also help your parasympathetic nervous system to function well. It is designed to leave you feeling deeply relaxed, centred, and steady.

While the pose and the meditation can be used separately, they are most powerful when used together.

Watch the video below to see how to easily set up the Pranayama fold in 2 minutes, with a blanket, a pillow or two and a cushion (or 2 blankets, and some pillows/cushions - whatever you have handy!)


And then click the sound recording below to enjoy the 12 minute Belly Breath Meditation while you rest.


I hope you found this useful.

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