Nurture your lower back, hips and knees with a relaxing 10 minute floor practice.
Practice, mindful movement Alison Eastland Practice, mindful movement Alison Eastland

Nurture your lower back, hips and knees with a relaxing 10 minute floor practice.

This relaxing 10 minute floor practice will nurture and bring balance to your lower back, hips and knees. It’s a rewarding practice, in that if you approach it mindfully, with unhurried breathing, and do it regularly, you’ll start noticing the benefits very quickly: better hip mobility, more ease in your lower back, and more balance through your pelvis, sacrum and knee joints.

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Warm up your mind & body with the Lighten Up Practice
Practice, mindful movement Alison Eastland Practice, mindful movement Alison Eastland

Warm up your mind & body with the Lighten Up Practice

This short 12 minute practice makes a great warm up preparation if you have to practice Yoga asana in a cold space, or if you want to wake yourself up in the morning.
We mobilise and warm your joints from the ground up, refresh your mind, restore expansive breathing, release your back and shoulders and leave you feeling energised and focused.

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Release tension in your shoulders & neck and restore your breathing

Release tension in your shoulders & neck and restore your breathing

In this 18 minute seated practice, as well as releasing tension in your shoulders, you’ll also recreate space around your rib cage for your breath, to replenish and refresh yourself.
You’ll get to keep your vagal nerves happier by releasing tension around the front and side of your neck.
This practice can be enjoyed sitting in a chair and would make a great mindful break during or after work, or anytime you find the world resting on your shoulders.

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Why I practice yoga
Practice, nervous system, mental wellbeing Alison Eastland Practice, nervous system, mental wellbeing Alison Eastland

Why I practice yoga

I’m 50 and I’ve been practising yoga for more than 20 years now, and teaching for nearly 20.

During that time people have said the strangest things to me. Like: “You must be so disciplined”, or “I’d do yoga if I could stop smoking/lose weight/be more flexible”.

As if the practice requires us to be flexible, or of a certain standard of mental wherewith-all for us to begin. If that were the case then I definitely wouldn’t be allowed on the mat most mornings! And as for flexibility, that has nothing to do with it. My practice is all about retaining my sanity and equilibrium in a crazy world.

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What is Zoom yoga like?
Practice, Finding your calm, Zoom yoga Alison Eastland Practice, Finding your calm, Zoom yoga Alison Eastland

What is Zoom yoga like?

If you’d told me 2 years ago that my classes were going to be mainly on Zoom, I would not have believed you, and I wouldn’t have believed it was a good idea, either. I actually resisted putting my classes on Zoom throughout the pandemic, even though I’d been happily offering individual private sessions via Zoom for years. I thought that teaching classes would be too awkward, isolating and low-quality.
I’ve now completely changed my mind, and last Monday night clinched it.

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The power of short, simple practices for cultivating calm & courage
Practice, Finding your calm Alison Eastland Practice, Finding your calm Alison Eastland

The power of short, simple practices for cultivating calm & courage

When I first started practising yoga I was working and studying, with a young family. I knew I’d found something I loved and that kept my stressed out system calmer, but I didn’t have much time. All I could do was get up a few minutes early and treat myself to just two simple poses.
Those few minutes a day taught me the life-changing potential for a 5 minute practice to change my life. I learned not to underestimate the benefits of something short & simple, done consistently.
If you want to weave some nourishing self-care into your life but it’s hard to find the time or to know where to start, I hope these practices might help. Click on each picture to listen or watch & download …

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