A guide to yoga for grief
Not only is every loss different, but each individual will experience grief in their own way. I have some yoga practices that have helped me, that I would like to share in case they help you sometime, too.
A complete view of well-being: the Pancha Maya Kosha model
Pancha Maya Kosha is a Yogic model for understanding our complete well-being on all levels. This meditation gives you an effortlessly direct experience with the Kosha system. You can use this meditation to feel more connected with your inner wisdom and more aware of all aspects of your well-being.
Gentle Yoga & Meditation Autumn Practices
Enjoy 3 nourishing gentle yoga & meditation practices for autumn to cultivate balance, focus and calm.
Gentle yoga & meditation for winter.
Gentle yoga and meditation practices for winter and the winter solstice to evoke warmth and light while honouring the introspective nature of the season. Practices you don’t need to get down onto the cold floor to do!
Gentle yoga & meditation practices for spring
Transition easefully through spring with these yoga & meditation practices for the season, including moving meditations, guided relaxations, breathing practices and simple tips.
A resting practice for relaxed shoulders and effortless breath
This resting position is one of my favourite ways to encourage effortless diaphragmatic breathing. It also deeply releases tightness at the front of the shoulders, often a source of rounded posture and upper back, shoulder & neck pain.
Why I practice yoga
I’m 50 and I’ve been practising yoga for more than 20 years now, and teaching for nearly 20.
During that time people have said the strangest things to me. Like: “You must be so disciplined”, or “I’d do yoga if I could stop smoking/lose weight/be more flexible”.
As if the practice requires us to be flexible, or of a certain standard of mental wherewith-all for us to begin. If that were the case then I definitely wouldn’t be allowed on the mat most mornings! And as for flexibility, that has nothing to do with it. My practice is all about retaining my sanity and equilibrium in a crazy world.