Gentle practices of breath, meditation, mindful movement & deep rest
from melurkedee country,
the Huon Valley Southern Tasmania
Join the Natural Calm community, a unique blend of on-demand practices, customised program and full teacher support.
Gentle breath-based yoga, meditation and guided deep rest for a whole luxurious afternoon in the peaceful Yoga Cabin, Geeveston. Themed along the cycles of the year to cultivate well-being for each season.
Come to a term of classes or a Guided Deep Rest session in the Huon Valley, or attend via Zoom from anywhere in the world. Click here to learn more
Tailored, individual gentle yoga & meditation practice via Zoom or in person at the Yoga Cabin. Click here to learn more
Afternoon seasonal Yoga & meditation retreats at the peaceful Yoga Cabin, Bonnie’s Bowl, Geeveston Tasmania
Practice with me via zoom or in the Huon Valley: regular classes, courses & Guided Deep Rest sessions.
Private sessions: custom-tailored, gentle practice via Zoom or in person
Yoga & meditation newsletter: gentle, useful practices & tips for finding more calm in every day life.
Gentle Practices for Natural Calm: feel calmer, breathe better, move easier, and find peace in the chaos of modern life. .
Simple Little Practice for Calm: eight weeks of easy, short practices for calm in every day life
The “about me” bit …
I’m a Level 3 (Senior) Registered Teacher with Yoga Australia and a Mental Health Aware yoga teacher.
My way of practising and teaching is gentle and easy-paced. After all, most of us have already had enough practice at pushing ourselves and rushing around, and we don’t need any more of that.
My moving meditations are within a normal range of movement. The power of the practice comes from mindfulness of the breath and in cultivating kind, non-judgemental attention.
My practice over the years has been a calm centre in the midst of change and challenge. I spent my younger years chronically ill, stressed, and in pain, so I appreciate the mental and physical ease and strength that my practice has given me every day.
I am so grateful that I can share this practice, thanks to the wisdom, knowledge and generosity of the teachers who have shared their knowledge and inspired me.
I offer Yoga & meditation courses and private sessions in the Huon Valley, as well as online.
I’m interested in how the practice of Yoga, and our sense belonging in nature, can support, comfort, nourish and inspire us in these challenging times.
When I’m not practising or teaching yoga & meditation, I’m growing food for my local community on my tiny farm, Bonnie’s Bowl. Bonnie’s Bowl produce is till-free, spray-free, slow-farmed and hand-picked with love. Bonnie’s Bowl was named after our Labrador Bonnie, who was the best Quality Control officer of Snap Peas.
I am deeply inspired by the nature and landscape of the Melurkedee land that I live and work on in the Huon Valley, lutruwita (Tasmania) and I respectfully acknowledge the palawa/pakana people as the Traditional Custodians of lutruwita. I pay my respects to elders past and present, and acknowledge that sovereignty has never been ceded.