Why I practice yoga
Practice, nervous system, mental wellbeing Alison Eastland Practice, nervous system, mental wellbeing Alison Eastland

Why I practice yoga

I’m 50 and I’ve been practising yoga for more than 20 years now, and teaching for nearly 20.

During that time people have said the strangest things to me. Like: “You must be so disciplined”, or “I’d do yoga if I could stop smoking/lose weight/be more flexible”.

As if the practice requires us to be flexible, or of a certain standard of mental wherewith-all for us to begin. If that were the case then I definitely wouldn’t be allowed on the mat most mornings! And as for flexibility, that has nothing to do with it. My practice is all about retaining my sanity and equilibrium in a crazy world.

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Tips for better sleep
Sleep Alison Eastland Sleep Alison Eastland

Tips for better sleep

The impacts of inadequate sleep can include poor memory, trouble concentrating, heart disease, increased blood pressure, metabolism dysfunction, hormonal imbalance, weakened immune system and increased inflammation, so anything that helps us sleep better is going to help us to stay healthy. Many of these tips have long been recommended by the wisdom of Ayurveda, and are now also backed up by research.

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Peace of Mind: Some Benefits of Yoga Nidra (guided relaxation practice)
yoga nidra, Rest, relaxation Alison Eastland yoga nidra, Rest, relaxation Alison Eastland

Peace of Mind: Some Benefits of Yoga Nidra (guided relaxation practice)

If I had to choose between a physical practice, a sitting meditation, or a Yoga nidra, I would choose Yoga nidra for all the benefits it has for the mind and body. The best thing about Yoga nidra is that anyone can easily do it and by doing it consistently, receive the benefits of it. Even just practising a 20 minute Yoga nidra a few times a week will be beneficial.

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